Wednesday 11 December 2013

Becoming a "bobo"

It all happened very quickly. A dispute with my neighbours due to stepping on the still-a-bit-wet wax on the stairs, being annoyed, upset and desperate, questioning my relationship to Eira ("do I really belong here if my neighbours are so unfriendly..."), and finally taking the whole thing as a Sign.

The waxing scandal happened on a Wednesday and on the following Sunday I went to see an apartment that I then bought a couple of weeks later. Tadaa, surprise (at least for myself)!

And here I am writing this blog in my new kitchen in Käpylä. An action lady I am. An indebted action lady to be more correct. Were there signs or not that I should move from Eira, I now have twenty years to pay my mortgage. I take it as a sign of a deep serious turn in life. Hopefully it doesn't mean that I will be stuck here for the rest of my life. Although, I'm in the first floor that suits disabled elderly people perfectly... 

So, in less than one month, I transformed from an elitist Eira dweller to a bohemian bourgeois ("bobo") of Käpylä. So far there are no regrets, but I'm sure that in some time I will miss the sea and the beautiful neighbourhood of Eira - the most beautiful in Helsinki after all. 

On the day I was moving, I went for a morning coffee in Viiskulma's Brooklyn Café and said to the American waiter that they should open another branch in Käpylä. The guy replied that there might not be so many cafés in Käpylä (are there any?), but I would have nature close by. I guess he's the only person who could say something positive about me moving from Eira to Käpylä (well, he hadn't seen my charming place in Eira), except for my parents who are thrilled.

Hitherto, it has been quite impossible to get to know my new neighbourhood (or the surrounding nature for that matter) because the days are so dark and I've been immensely busy reading interior design magazines, painting the walls and trying to fit all my stuff here. One thing is for sure, I do not need any Christmas gifts, there's nothing material I can possibly need.

Except that...

Reading all those interior design magazines and moving around my furniture in the new living room, I feel that my stuff doesn't fit the atmosphere of the 1940s apartment. Hmm, I guess this blog will turn into a design blog for a moment or - as you can guess from the pace I post anything here - not!

And as for the fact of being adult: I luckily recruited an old friend from Florence to be my flatmate. Two bright PhD ladies, it will be cool! But before that, one month of holidays in Asia. One week to go, and a zen master will be writing here shortly... Shanti!

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